Although we strive for computer service excellence, our top priority is to be reliable, trustworthy and easy to work with for the lifetime of your business. Of course we can't achieve that goal if we bicker over questionable charges, nickel and dime you every time you call, belittle your employees with "Geek Speak," arrive late, or let things fall through the cracks. So we don't treat you that way, period. We treat you the way we would like to be treated. We call it our "Easy to Work With" Policy. This policy includes the nine important points listed below:
Lifetime Client Focus:
LI Computer Repair
We focus on the long-term relationship between your company and ours. We want to be the computer service company you choose for the lifetime of your business. We take this goal seriously and don't take this relationship for granted.
Satisfaction Guarantee:
LI Computer Repair
Your satisfaction and the delivery of excellent computer service is our #1 priority. If at anytime you are not satisfied with the computer repair or upgrade service you have received please let us know and we will do everything in our power to make it right for you. Guaranteed.
Follow-up Focused:
We know how easy it is for things to fall through the cracks and how that damages the trust that you have in a computer service provider, so it is our goal to make sure that all requests and scheduling have a thorough follow-up. Although we have systems and checklists to keep up with this goal, on occasion something may not get followed up with to your satisfaction, which is why we offer a satisfaction guarantee.
LI Computer Repair
Exceptionally Approachable:
We want to make it as easy as possible for you to not only request service but to give feedback on your computer service as well. Please call us anytime with questions or concerns. We are ready to take care of your needs with care and concern for you and your business. It is our value to be exceptionally approachable.
LI Computer Repair
We Don't "Speak Geek"
Our value is to provide you with the information necessary to help you make informed decisions about your office's network strategy by educating and communicating with you in the language you speak. Plain English.
LI Computer Repair
Professional Courtesies:
Being on time, saying "please" and "thank you," not interrupting, and dressing professionally are just some of the professional courtesies you can expect from the Long Island Computer Repair team.
LI Computer Repair
No Network Secrets
LI Computer Repair
Purposefully or carelessly, many computer repair service providers and technicians keep information about your network support, software licenses, passwords and network configurations locked away in their brains. At Long Island Computer Repair all of this information is documented and accessible to you privately and securely at any time you request it. We also configure your network to Microsoft's standards, not our own secret one, so that any trained and certified Microsoft IT Professional can manage your network if you decide it is time to change support providers. Not having secrets means you can trust that we have your best interest in mind, not our job security.
We Don't Resell Products:
LI Computer Repair
You can trust that our recommendations have your business' best interest in mind. We do that by not reselling hardware or software. That's right, we make no money, nada, zero, zip on the hardware and software we recommend. We do this because we don't want there to be any question as to why we are recommending something for your office other than it is the right technology that meets your business goals.
Looking for a computer service company that is easy to work with? If you are looking for this kind of company to take care of your small business, please contact us today. An IT support professional would be happy to chat with you about how we can help you achieve your business goals.
You can count on us to fix your network, computer or server problems. Period.
We Speak in Plain English
We are LI Computer Repair
We never leaving you guessing what the issue was. Most computer technicians tend to speak to their customers in tech jargon. It can be overwhelming, confusing and you still don’t know what is happening with your computer. We explain what is going on with your network or computer in plain English and will provide you with real-life examples of what they mean so you understand better.
We Save You Money
We are LI Computer Repair
Cut your costs and stay under budget. We are far less expensive than hiring your own full or part-time technical staff, which will save you literally thousands of dollars on hiring, training, salaries, and benefits. We keep our prices upfront so that you know exactly what you would be paying. No surprises. Save time and money with our Managed Computer services.
We Are Reliable
We are LI Computer Repair
We’re there when you need us. Long Island Computer Repair can provide you with support during business hours or after business hours, weekdays or weekends, and whether there is a person physically at your building or not. If we can’t fix your problem remotely, we will be over as soon as possible to address the issue on-site. Let our Managed Computer Services keep your network running smoothly!
We Are Proactive
We are LI Computer Repair
We are proactive, not reactive. Your Managed Computer Service includes on-going support. Not only do we work on issues as they arise, we also ensure that your network and computers are running at their optimum strength which helps alleviate any problems so they don’t become a problem later.
Over 17 years of computer repair service for businesses and homes on Long Island